Monday, May 11, 2009

My Big, Crazy Goal

I've always hated running. Even when I wasn't 2 hundred something (something). Unless running had something to do with a game, like basketball, football, baseball/ softball, but even then it usually short bursts. I went through a time in college when tried to do some running, but it didn't last too long. Another thing I hate is getting up early in the morning. My normal days are sleep as long as I possibly can even to the point of missing the things or having to rush through getting ready.

But I have a desire to do two these two things to reach a big crazy goal. I want to run in the half marathon next year at the Music City Marathon. That's right. I want to run 13 miles. I'll probably walk some, but I really want to run it. Here's how crazy of a goal that is. I've never run a full 5k. I've walked and jogged one and I've walked jogged the 5 Mile Boulevard Bolt two Thanksgivings ago, but I've never just ran a 5k.

Here is the method that I want to accomplish this goal. On the website, Cool Running, they have a thing called Couch to 5K. I'm not quite on the coach, but I'm pretty close. Close enough to start from the beginning and see how it goes. After I get to a full 5k, I'll see what the next step is. Right now I'm getting up at 5:45am and running outside, hopefully before Erica awakes, 3 times a week. What I need to work on right now it staying up with walking and other exercise on those other days. Because another part of this goal is losing weight. As I said earlier, I weigh two hundred something (something) and need to loose some weight. I've noticed as I've gotten started the last couple of weeks that my knees are sore and my ankles are sore. Pounding two hundred something (something) isn't good for it. Plus, I want to avoid the health problems that go along with being a big ole' boy.

But so far so good. I missed one day last week because of lack of sleep and then on the makeup day there was a big thunderstorm. But I got back into it today. I'll try to keep my reader(s) up to date on my progress.


Chris said...

Go for it Rus. Running's not bad--it give you time to think about things you wouldn't take the time for anywhere else. Let me know how it goes.

Laura said...

All right brother. I'm right there with you. I have really been wanting to do a 5K for a while, but have yet to do it. I like the schedule on website you suggested. Let's do one together when you are here this winter. What do you think?